- Concepts from other Virtual Worlds I Like:
- Live Photosharing (Club Cooee)
- Minigames (Toontown)
- Earning currency through trivia quizzes/questions (Mokitown)
- Colloquialize/"Translate" speech (Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates)
i.e "buddies" > "hearties", "inventory" > "booty"
Virtual Worlds Concept: "Booktopia"
Would be able to go around book worlds as themselves and meet other fellow readers and even interact with characters from chosen book world.
- Other social aspects can include sharing fan made productions such as fan art.
A virtual world exploring a wide range of children's books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Harry Potter.
Events would compose of re-enacting scenes from books and/or integrating them.
- May have series of actions to do outside the canon to explore non-linearity. Similar to the "Give Yourself Goosebumps" series.
- Contests such as a "Find a new candy for Willy Wonka" and travel to Hogwarts for the Bertie Bots to submit.
- Example, "What is frobscottle?" (from Roald Dahl's BFG)
- Can also be earned by purchasing books and using a specialized code or ISBN number.
- Can be connected to your Kindle/e-book reader to earn points through books "read" and "bought".
- Purchasing a book may "open" a new world to explore.
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